Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Well look at all my excuses!

*Looks around imaginary corner*

Oh hello there! How are you? Good to hear. Oh I'm fine actually.
No my internet hasn't been down.
No my camera wasn't eaten by huge butterflies.
And my arms weren't covered in honey and oil, for the last couple of months.

Then where have I been??


Well I took loads of pictures the last couple of months. I actually have been to some cool cities and events.

I'm gonna be real honest with you here.
After my three blog posts I somehow got really insecure and thougt no one wants to see my pictures. That was, because I can see how many clicks my blog has. That is a cruel thing. And another cruel thing.
NEVER compare yourself to someone else. Espacially if your blog is like three months old and the beautiful glittery, shining one has been there for years.

That's all I have to say right now.

But I'm still gonna give you some sneak peeks of what happend in the last couple of months. And I promise you, that in the future I will do better!

So in September was - like every year - a fun fair. It's called Rupertikirtag and it's got all the cotton candy and the shimmering lights that I love.

And boats.

In August I was in Hamburg. Man that's a pretty city. When it doesn't rain. What it almost did the whole time.

I like bubbles.

And in November I've been to Berlin.

Pro at taking selfies. Me infront of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.

Beautiful Salzburg. Beautiful Laura. (Aka Best friend)

And no. The hills are not alive. And they don't sing.

See you soon! (No promises, except the promise that I'm gonna try my best)


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