Sunday, January 25, 2015

Well look at all that snow!

Hello there!

Since I live in Austria and it's january, it snowed. Again.
Which I first thought "Oh man. It snowed again? I thought we're over that.".

But then I relized that I haven't taken ANY snow pictures!

So I present them to you now!

Yeah, you see I didn't feel like adding too much talk like I would usually do. But the snow is just so beautiful it doesn't need my sarcastic witty comments.

Good. Good talk. See ya!


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Well look at all my excuses!

*Looks around imaginary corner*

Oh hello there! How are you? Good to hear. Oh I'm fine actually.
No my internet hasn't been down.
No my camera wasn't eaten by huge butterflies.
And my arms weren't covered in honey and oil, for the last couple of months.

Then where have I been??


Well I took loads of pictures the last couple of months. I actually have been to some cool cities and events.

I'm gonna be real honest with you here.
After my three blog posts I somehow got really insecure and thougt no one wants to see my pictures. That was, because I can see how many clicks my blog has. That is a cruel thing. And another cruel thing.
NEVER compare yourself to someone else. Espacially if your blog is like three months old and the beautiful glittery, shining one has been there for years.

That's all I have to say right now.

But I'm still gonna give you some sneak peeks of what happend in the last couple of months. And I promise you, that in the future I will do better!

So in September was - like every year - a fun fair. It's called Rupertikirtag and it's got all the cotton candy and the shimmering lights that I love.

And boats.

In August I was in Hamburg. Man that's a pretty city. When it doesn't rain. What it almost did the whole time.

I like bubbles.

And in November I've been to Berlin.

Pro at taking selfies. Me infront of the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin.

Beautiful Salzburg. Beautiful Laura. (Aka Best friend)

And no. The hills are not alive. And they don't sing.

See you soon! (No promises, except the promise that I'm gonna try my best)


Friday, August 15, 2014

Well look at Aline and Sara!

So today we will have pictures with actual real life people! Can I hear a excited "woop, woop"?
Well at least I wooped. Alone. At home.

No but honestly. So two really good friends of mine came by and we decided to do a little photoshoot thing.
Here are the results. (Well the good ones. Not the weird goofy ones.)

So first let me introduce you to Aline!

Okay that's her back...

There you go.

Apperently I like to be the creeper who stands in the back an takes photos.
So that's Sara.
And they love to pose.
Seriously. They do love it.

Posing in front of a graffiti wall.

Posing in front of water.

Posing on a bridge.
Ergh. Such posers.
No I'm just joking. They're really cool and I love them.
And together we love to pose under bridges. (That in the middle is me)

Near, far, wherever you are...

Okay. I also posed.

Obviously doing the robot.

II think we are gonna and it with back picture. I just love those.


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Well look at my last few days in Vienna and Bratislava!

Oh hello there!

I haven't been on here for a little while. Have you noticed? Probably not...
But anyways, I was in Vienna and Bratislava for the last couple of days. And of course I took my beloved camera with me.

The ferris wheel at the Prater

It wasn't the easiest to catch all those blinking lights, but I kinda like it.

Well the car was going really fast...

Not just two random dudes. My dad and my older brother.

In that high thing on the bridge there is a restaurant. My mom thought it was cool so I HAD to take pictures of it.

The beatles! Ha? Anyone?

Can I just say that I had to jump for this picture. The wall was pretty high...

Of all this pictures the third one is my absolute favourite. I honestly can't tell you why. But everytime I look at it I just have to think of the word "charming". It looks a bit old, but at the same time the lights are like "Hey. Look at us. We are the future.".

